Pax Dhakaani - OOC

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This session resulted in some serious time desyncs, especially since it was awhile by the time we got back to Blade and when we did not that much time passed for Blade before his actions resulted in consequences that affected the others, especially Zergiot and his consolidation of the goblin tribes. At the end of this session we found out that the Brelish army was about halfway between where the standing stones were destroyed and Starilaskur continuing to march west. The Droamm army had blitzed uncontensted from Graywall through the Dragonwood, all the way to Faded Forest. The Darguun army Zergiot passed had besieged Sterngate, conquered Mistmarsh, and met up with the Droamm army in the Faded Forest, bisecting Breland. Droamm had done so well they had divided their forces at before entering The Dragonwood and sent most of them south conquering everything west of the Dagger river.

Aundair had made a treaty with the Eldeen reaches and attacked the Thaliost region of Thrane.

Karrnath, Valenar and the Talenta Plains, seeing the chaos spreading through Khorvaire joined together as the united nation of New Galifar. Although technically the three regions that make up the new nation are equal and ruled by an oligarchy made up of King  Kaius III of Karrnath, Lathlon Halpum of the Talenta Plains, and High King Shaeras Vadallia of Valenar it is obvious Karrnath is dominant over the others. Many in all three regions remember how hard they fought the other two during the last war and mutter about the situation but there are no rebellions. All three leaders appear united to their subjects declaring if they don't work together then the war and chaos that is raging elsewhere will consume them. Some, especially outside of Karrnath, mutter that Kaius has some sort of hold over Halpum and Shaeras but none say it publicly. New Galifar starts sending diplomats to all the other nations inviting them to join and end the current bloodshed.

At this point since full armies were starting to get involved due to the dissolution of the Treaty of Thronehold, with many battles that the players had nothing directly to do with, the DM was making contested D20 rolls with some mental modifiers to determine the results. As is obvious Droamm rolled a nat20 which is why it conquered so much territory so fast.

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