Resistance is Futile - OOC

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This was not a normal session, the campaign ended with the revival of Bel Shalor. However we wanted a better resolution then 'freed demon, everyone dies' so after the last session the players and GM talked about it and decided on a logical conclusion as an epilogue and this was the result.

We didn't roll many dice for this or really play it out, just talked about what happened. The only things we rolled for was to see how well the dragons did when they attacked the demons, obviously they got a one. We also rolled to see how well Dave did when he became aware of the demons. He rolled pretty good but didn't get a nat20 which is why he stopped them by himself but died doing so. The only other thing we rolled for was when Zergiot tried convincing Kaius to put on all 9 rings at once. Again it was a very high roll but not a nat20, however the GM allowed it anyways since we were finishing up the campaign and figured Kaius was pretty desperate realizing the overlords were back.

Everything else that happened we just agreed on amongst ourselves. We have no plains to continue this campaign directly though we have talked about the possibility of having "the zergiot" show up as as 'an enemy from another universe' to fight in a future campaign similar to the Borg in Star Trek.

In hindsight we all found it funny that all the horrible stuff that happened in this campaign ultimately hinged on the fact that the GM only gave the armory one entrance. Had there been a second entrance then we would not have been able to keep the guards in The Lurching Tower from arming themselves and we would never have been able to take it over. That ultimately the world was doomed by some Brelish architect who designed The Lurching Tower poorly.

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